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Have you been the victim of inappropriate sexual conduct
by Dr. Robert Hadden?
You could be entitled to financial compensation!!!
Here's your chance to reclaim justice.

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Robert Hadden Sexual Abuse Lawsuit | Sexual Assault Attorney [Anthony T. DiPietro]

Columbia University - Medical Malpractice and Patient Safety

We can pursue your case confidentially without disclosing your identity. Your personal information and story will not be publicly disclosed.

We're Holding Columbia University Accountable - Contact Us Today

Schedule a FREE Case Consultation with Anthony T. DiPietro, Esq.


You're Not Alone Anymore

Schedule a FREE Case Consultation with Anthony T. DiPietro, Esq.

About Us

Anthony T. DiPietro

Anthony DiPietro is a decorated attorney and a passionate advocate for victims of sexual abuse. ATD Law, owned and operated by DiPietro, prides itself on fighting for victims and securing compensation for the trauma they’ve endured.
DiPietro is lead counsel on the civil litigation against Columbia University and its related hospitals. In civil cases for abuse at the hands of Robert Hadden, DiPietro has secured over $236 million in settlements for survivors.
ATD Law has decades of experience representing adults and minors in sexual assault cases. We are sensitive to the needs of victims, and we understand how difficult it may be to come forward and share your story. We offer a comprehensive support system and top-notch representation in court.
Know that if you decide to share your story with us, we will keep all information 100% confidential. Your reports and inquiries are protected by state and federal whistleblower laws.
Reach out to us for a free consultation or with any information you’d like to share regarding the crimes committed by Robert Hadden.

All calls are 100% Private and Confidential.


Can I file anonymously?

Yes! You will automatically be anonymous in all settlements papers and court documents. We will only use your actual name if you specifically direct us to do so. Otherwise, you will be listed as "Jane or John Doe". 

Is there a cost for legal services?

We only work on a contingency basis. That means you don't pay anything unless we win. If we don't win, then you don't owe us anything.
If you’re talking to lawyer, and they ask to pay money up front for things like court fees, or the cost of an expert to review your medical records, run! You don’t have to come to me. But go to someone else. No lawyer worth their salt will charge you anything out of pocket to handle a case like this.
And that’s important for two reasons. If a lawyer is willing to take your case on a contingency fee, it means:
(1) they believe in your case; and
(2) they believe in themselves. In order for us to get any legal fees, we have to win your case.

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, is there support for me?

I understand how difficult it can be when trying to come to terms with what happened. Because of this, our firm is the first law firm in the nation to hire psychologists, therapists and social workers to help clients cope with these challenges. What's even more important, is that we're offering these services at absolutely no cost to you.
Regardless of whether you want a little help completing one of the forms, or if you're interested in regular therapy appointments, we're here to help you navigate this process. All you need to do is just call of fill out our questionnaire.

How will I get updates about my case?

We will be sending out periodic case updates. It's our philosophy that this is your case, and we believe it is important to include you in all the important decisions that will be made. Therefore, we will never do anything like settle your case without talking to you about it first. You're the boss, and we work for you.

When will I receive a settlement?

This is difficult to predict. We would love to resolve your case quickly. But it is equally (if not more) important that we get you the highest amount possible. A lot of lawyers out there will settle cases quickly, but for way too cheap. We're not like that, and we will never be like that. So, if your case is taking longer than you'd like, just remember that "quick money means low money" in this business. That's why it's sometimes necessary to take a little extra time to beat up the defendants, so they understand that paying
a proper settlement amount (not a low settlement amount) is the only way to make us stop.

How much is my case worth?

Our last round of settlements against Robert Hadden and Columbia University was a record-breaking $ 165,081,000 million for 147 clients. That's over $ 1.12 million on a per person average. See news report below:
As always, feel free to just call me or fill out the form


Can You Be My Attorney if I Made a Mistake and Signed a Retainer With a Different Law Firm?

Yes, you can switch to us at any time. You have the right to pick any lawyer you want. In fact, I’ve heard from several clients who’ve seen an advertisement from some vulture-lawyer, but didn’t realize at first that the other lawyer has absolutely no experience in these cases against Hadden and Columbia.
I’ve even heard of instances where a lawyer lied to the client, and told her that once they’ve signed a retainer, they’re not allowed to switch. That same law firm then tried to guilt a different woman into staying with them, by leaving a ridiculous message on her voicemail about how she owed them because they spent money on the google ad she saw online:
This isn’t the middle ages, where once you get married you can’t leave. You can choose whoever you want to represent you. And if you’d like to join our firm, we’ll even take care of contacting the other lawyer and letting them know that you’re with us now. And it will never cost you anything extra in legal fees when you switch to us. So you will never have to worry about paying two lawyers. We’ll take care of that for you as well.
We’re looking forward to working with you. Just call me or fill out the form.

DiPietro’s Clients Have Settled A Total Of Over $236 Million Against Robert Hadden

Schedule a FREE Case Consultation with Anthony T. DiPietro, Esq.

Anthony T. DiPietro, Esq.

233 Broadway, Suite 880, New York, New York 10279

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All Right Reserved ©2023 by Law Office of Anthony T. DiPietro, P.C.
The courts of New York, Pennsylvania, and other jurisdictions may consider the contents herein to be attorney advertising.
Please note that prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

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